Valentine’s Day Isn’t For Everyone. Have an Ex In Your Life That’s Got You Frustrated? Bring their Pictures, Items They Left Behind, i.e Gaming System, Old Computer Etc. Up to 15 items of your choosing and take out your frustraions in a healthy, fun way. Note (You can’t bring your actual Ex) The Rage Room will provide an additional 20 items for your smashing fun for 30 minutes.
The following items are prohibited:
tube TV’s, CRT TV’s, dehumidifiers, mattresses, couches, toilets, lightbulbs, A/C units, or refrigerators
Champaign/Urbana’s first full-time RAGE ROOM! Schedule an appointment through FB Messenger, our Website, or by Calling us at 217-402-1177 Hours of Operation: Monday-Thursday 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday & Saturday 3pm-10pm Sunday 12pm-5pm
Option To Upgrade To More People, Time & Items At Scheduled Booking Time
Got Spot App Redemption Only