43% Off Dermal Filler Lip Outlining Or Limp Plumping From Hill's Quantum Health Champaign


Time and gravity take their toll on all parts of our bodies. For our lips, we naturally lose collagen and dermal elasticity. As a result, our lips thin, shorten, and fold into our mouths. Our cupids bow is no longer as prominent and we lose the appearance of a full lip. The goal of a lip filler is to reshape the lips and replace lost collagen and hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance that is already found in your skin. Hydraulic acid fillers are FDA approved, typically soft & gel-like giving natural-looking results. The results are temporary, lasting 4-6 months or longer before the body gradually & naturally absorbs the particles. Most HA fillers are infused with lidocaine to help minimize discomfort during & after treatment. The goal of course, is a natural result that highlights your beauty.

Hills Quantum Health

606 N. Country Fair Dr. Suite A

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