Save More than Cost of Card on First Booking
350,000+ Hotels to Choose from All Over the World
The Best Rates at the Best Hotels and Resorts in the World: Marriott, Hyatt, Hilton, Wyndham and More
No Blackout Dates. No Presentations. Just Savings.
No Hassle. Just Savings. This is the best travel offer available to the public. No blackout dates. No presentations. No extra fees. Your $1,000 Got Spot Hotel Card allows you to immediately get the best rates at the best hotels and resorts in the world.
How Does it Work? After purchase you will receive a voucher code and redemption instructions from Got Spot. You will be provided a link to our members-only travel site so you can begin making your first reservation. You’ll have access to all the hotels you expect to see on sites like Expedia, Travelocity and Kayak.com. The difference? You’ll have $1,000 in your account to use toward bookings! You’ll save more than you spent on the Got Spot Hotel Card with your first booking. It’s a no-brainer!
" The average savings per booking is approximately 30% off best rates. Ex:: The best rate available for a one-night stay at time of booking at the Embassy Suites in Jackson, Mississippi was $181. The rate with Hotel Savings Card was $120, so we saved $61. The savings used was deducted from our card, and this left us with $939 to use toward future bookings! Wow, right?! Patrick and family 🙂".
TAKE A TEST RIDE FOR FREE: http://demo.hotelsavings.directory Remember to download your voucher after purchase. Your easy-to-follow unique code and redemption instructions will be on the voucher.
162 S Peninsula Dr, Daytona Beach, FL 32118-4490